TDC Spins the Chairs for The Voice Australia

TDC has been supplying The Voice Australia with all video technology, including innovations like spinning The Voice Chairs, interactive touch pads, LED Screens, Projection and all show control since the series began in Australia. Great Team, Great Creative, a winning combination!
TDC’s Games Engine Spins the Chairs for The Voice Think of The Voice and the chances are that the first thing to come to mind is the spinning chairs that judges use when giving their verdicts on performances. For The Voice Australia, those iconic moments in the show are provided by TDC The Voice is now just one of several TV game shows for which TDC provides, or will provide, what the company calls its ‘Games Engine’.
“We were approached three years ago by the producers of The Voice to deliver functionality that would make it easier and more reliable to create key effects within the show,” said Drew Ferors, Technical Services and New Media Manager at TDC – Technical Direction Company. “We quickly realised that this was a very specialist area, with no major suppliers serving the Australian market. High profile programs like The Voice were being forced to deal with one man bands(unsure if true) – which meant that, on occasion, because of that person’s unavailability or some other problem arising, the show could not be delivered. That’s a risk that, understandably, the producers were unwilling to continue to take. They felt far more comfortable working with a company of TDC’s size and profile.”

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