TDC Successfully Battles Extreme Weather for ANZAC Day
TDC's Operations Team and Crew worked tirelessly to broadcast this unforgettable event and deliver the moving building projections on to the pylons of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

TDC battled the most extreme weather conditions earlier this month to bring the latest cutting-edge LED display, projection, video and broadcast infrastructure technologies to broadcast the spectacular and memorable ANZAC Day Dawn Service event live across local and international television. As part of ANZAC Day events, TDC provided video expertise for building projections onto the pylons of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Challis House in Martin Place.
The moving ANZAC Day memorial service took place at the Sydney Cenotaph at dawn on Saturday 25 April 2015, marking the 100th anniversary of the landing of ANZAC troops at Gallipoli. The Australian War Memorial hosted two ceremonies of national significance on the day to commemorate the courage and sacrifice of those who have served Australia during periods of war and peace.
The breathtaking ceremony began at 4:30AM in the early morning, exactly 100 years to the minute since the first wave of Australians waded ashore at ANZAC Cove. TDC’s team provided the technology and displays to enable the event to be broadcast live to four large screens in Sydney’s city centre, allowing thousands of people in attendance to view the event.
Despite the inclement weather, large crowds and extensive road closures, TDC’s Crew and Operations Team were able to work seamlessly to ensure the broadcast went without a hitch.

The team worked to ensure that the entire broadcast went as smoothly as possible, without any technical hitches, despite the best attempt of Mother Nature to disrupt events on the day!
“Our amazing crew and operations team worked tirelessly together in the most extreme conditions outdoors in rain, hail, lightning and flooding and everything else that could be thrown at them,” says Michael Hassett, Managing Director at TDC. “The team worked to ensure that the entire broadcast went as smoothly as possible, without any technical hitches, despite the best attempt of Mother Nature to disrupt events on the day!”
The Dawn Service observed on ANZAC Day has its origins in military routine still followed by the Australian Army. It is based on the knowledge that the half-light before dawn is one of the times most favoured for launching an attack as soldiers worked in the dark before dawn, what is known as the ‘wolf’s hour.’ are initially uncoordinated, less awake and less alert when forced into manning their weapons hurriedly under surprise attack. A dawn requiem mass was first held at Albany as early as 1918.
The current day organised dawn service memorial event has its own history; in 1927 a group of returned soldiers coming home from an ANZAC Day function held the night before came upon an elderly woman laying flowers at the as yet unfinished Sydney Cenotaph at dawn. The following year, 150 people gathered a the Cenotaph for a wreath laying and two minutes silence.

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